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New or Transfer Students

Welcome to Issaquah High School!

We look forward to having you join us this year.


Links that might be useful throughout the first semester:

Log In Page            Tutorial

Weekly Bulletin

  • Please sign up for the Weekly Bulletin, as it is the most efficient and widely used way to receive district and school information – including emergency information.

Lunch Program:

Academic Supports

Activities & Athletics

PTSA New Family Ambassador Program:

  • This program is sponsored by the PTSA and is a great way to meet other new families as well as connect with experienced Issaquah HS families who can help navigate this transition. To sign up, complete their Google Form.
  • If you have questions about the program, you may contact the New Family Ambassadors.

Bell Schedules


Canvas – Learning Management System, grades 6-12

  • Canvas is Issaquah School Districts’ Learning Management System for students in grades 6-12. Through Canvas students can access all coursework, turn in assignments, and connect with their teacher and classmates.

Digital Tools

  • Every student in Issaquah School District has access to online digital tools.  For our High School Students, they can access many of these tools through ClassLink.