Information about how to request Schedule Changes will be made available prior to the start of each semester. Once the initial 5 days of each semester has ended, students must make an appointment with their Counselor or Assistant Principal to discuss schedule changes.
Students are expected to take the classes they request since this is how we create our master schedule and hire and assign school staff. There is not enough space in other classes to accommodate widespread changes for unnecessary reasons.
Appropriate reasons for schedule change requests:
Seniors who are lacking in a graduation requirement
Students who are misplaced in a course - examples include
Wrong level (e.g. math/world language)
Completed summer school for the course
Teacher recommended level change
Incomplete schedule, or double booked period
Schedule changes, even for appropriate reasons, are only done prior to the start of a semester and within the first 5 days of the semester. If a student wants to drop a class after the first 5 days and before the 20th day of the semester, they will receive a "W" on their transcript for that course. Classes dropped after the 20th day will earn an 'F' on the transcript.