Course Request Process
Course Request Process 2024-25
Below is information about our Course Request Process. Please review the Course Guide when choosing your classes to make sure you meet the Learning Recommendations and that the classes are a good fit for you!
There are many options and choices to make and selections should reflect individual interests and passions. Please remember that students happiest with their courses have typically….
- Talked to their families about their choices
- Slept on their decisions
- Researched classes by reading the course guide
- Talked to current teachers for insight into their strengths and abilities
- Followed their own passion
- Not been heavily influenced by a friend’s course requests
- Chosen a point or two of challenge, but have followed Shakespeare’s advice to “know thyself” and pursue the kind of balance that works for them
- Requested alternates they can live with just in case one of their top selections is full or cannot be run because it doesn’t fill
- Double checked to make sure they are meeting graduation requirements
Student Access (Skyward) will open at 8 a.m. on February 28th and will remain open until 4 p.m. March 11th (resource 'how to' linked below). Every student must know their Student Access ID and password to input course requests. Students who have forgotten their ID or password should come to the counseling office to request a reset in-person.
- IHS 2024-25 Online Course Guide
- Core 24 Grad Requirements/Course Planning Worksheet
- Online Course Request Process (Skyward)
- CTE Pathways and Dual Credit (scroll to middle of page and click on '+' signs)
- Cultural and Family Partnership Resources
Classes of 2025-2027 Information
- 24-25 Course Request Timeline: Current HS
- General Course Request Form (provided to students during 1st period on 2/27/24)
Class of 2025
- Course Request Planning Form
- Course Request Presentation c/o 2025
- Senior (12th) Electives quick reference
Class of 2026
- Course Request Planning Form
- Course Request Presentation c/o 2026
- Junior (11th) Electives quick reference
Class of 2027
Current IHS Students, Classes of 2025,2026, and 2027 only:
Please use the below links to schedule a quick meeting with your counselor, specific to course request questions!
*Please note, if you are an incoming 9th grader or parent, and make an appointment, it will be cancelled*
Class of 2028: Please direct questions to your current counselor at your middle school.