Credit Recovery
For students that earned an F, NC or I for the semester, there are options to earn back the credit.
Credit Recovery in Guided Studies - Students can enroll in 7th period Guided Studies class where they will have the option to earn back the credit for up to six semester classes each year. When credit is earned through Credit Recovery, the grade is recorded on the transcript as a P (Pass) instead of a letter grade.
Credit Recovery through Online Module - If you are not enrolled in Guided Studies, you can still make up some credits through the Online Modules in Canvas. Please work with your counselor for additional information on this option. The grade is recorded on the transcript as a P (Pass) instead of a letter grade.
Retake Course - Students have the option to retake the course for a letter grade. This can be done in person at IHS during the semester or online. See "Grade Improvement" below.
Summer School - Students have the option to make up the credit for a letter grade during Summer School. See "Grade Improvement" below.
Grade Improvement
Students, for any/all grade improvement course(s), must receive prior written approval by the school counselor and/or administrator or it will not be considered for grade improvement. Approval cannot be granted retroactively.
Students* may improve up to four (4) semester grades** during high school through the following programs:
- Retake the course on a space available basis at the high school.
- Retake the course through the Issaquah School District (ISD) Online Program.
- In specific cases, a community college or running start course taken on a college campus may qualify for grade improvement. In these individual cases, the counselor will specify the exact course which satisfies the requirement(s).
There may not be an ISD-comparable online or college course available for grade improvement.
Per WAC 392-415-055 and WAC 392-415-070 the grade being improved must remain on the student’s transcript. The credit, however, will be changed to zero so the grade is not used in calculating the student’s grade point average (GPA). The new grade, if higher, will be used for calculating the GPA.
* Students in the class of 2024 will have no limit on the number of the classes from the 2020/21 (COVID related school closure) school year for which they wish to pursue grade improvement.
** 4 semester grades mean 4 different semester classes:
- A student who repeats 1st semester Spanish 1 twice to improve their grade has used one of their 4 semester grade improvements.
- A student who retakes 1st semester algebra 1 and 2nd semester geometry has used 2 of their 4 semester grade improvements.