ASB Resource Guide
ASB Resource Guide
The Associated Student Body (ASB) is a fund that is established by state law, RCW 28A.325.020. The Associated Student Body means the formal organization of the students in a school formed with the approval of and regulation by the local School Board of Directors in conformity to the rules and regulations promulgated by the Superintendent of Public Instruction. In addition to the RCW’s and WAC’s that govern the ASB, its Constitution, fees, disbursements, accounting procedures and records, etc., there are also local school board policies and procedures that are adopted and they may be more restrictive than the state laws.
There are regulations and procedures that govern ASB funding, finance, law, and rules. Money raised during the school day, on school property, using students and school personnel, or school materials is considered public ASB money. ASB public money, generated by the students, or in the name of students, may only be used for optional, extracurricular, non-graded Cultural, Athletic, Recreational, or Social (CARS) purposes.
ASB Meeting Minutes must be recorded and retained permanently onsite at the school. ASB Meeting Minutes should show student participation by approving budgets, activities, purchase orders, and fundraisers.
ASB money cannot by law be used to pay for materials or supplies that are required in the academic, curricular, graded General Fund program.
The Washington State Auditor is only one of many regulatory agencies interested in the ASB. Their criteria in an audit is to look for student input and decision making, proper monitoring and oversight, meeting minutes, proper record keeping and adequate controls over fundraising and an adherence to state and local laws.
- Public money, generated by the students or in the name of students, may be used only for Cultural, Athletic, Recreational, or Social, purposes, which are optional, and non-credit.
- Money raised during the school day, and/or on school property, and/or using school personnel, and/or school materials is public money.
- ASB funds are restricted and cannot be used for curricular purposes.
- Public money cannot be given away for private use.
- Students and staff must collaborate on the generation and use of public money.
- You must have a system to monitor and protect the use of public money.
- You must follow the federal, state, school board, and your own rules about ASB.
- The State Auditor is only one of many regulatory agencies interested in ASB.
All monies must come to the ASB bookkeeper on a daily basis and under no circumstances should ASB money be left in a classroom or taken home for safekeeping, by either students or staff.
- Can only purchase items approved by ASB and obtain quote from vendor for items when applicable.
- Submit district purchase order requisition with quote to ASB Bookkeeper, including sales tax and shipping.
- All items must be shipped to district warehouse.
- Once inventory is received, count inventory received against the quantity billed from vendor.
- Submit invoice or packing slip to ASB Bookkeeper.
- Inventory must be in secure location.
- Purchase items with personal funds without prior approval
- Order directly from vendor without approved purchase order
- Accept donations from parent groups without District approval
- Order items without ASB approval
- Pick up items prior to having approved purchase order
- Sign a vendor agreement and/or contract. (Authorization to enter into any contract may only come from the Superintendent or District designee)
- Contact the ASB Bookkeeper on all donations.
- If donated funds are for charitable purposes, review Regulation 3540/3540P- Student Fundraising for Charitable Purposes.
- If the donated funds are a gift to the ASB program, review Regulation 6110/6110P and complete the applicable gift form.
- Donations must go through ASB Bookkeeper and have approval by the building Administrator.
- If donated funds are intended to purchase items for the program, ASB and Administrator approval is still required.
- Once donated funds are received, District purchasing procedures must be followed.
- All equipment donated to program needs prior District and building Administrator approval before acceptance.
- All equipment must be reviewed by Risk Management to determine safety guidelines are followed.
- Coaches need to adhere to team uniform rotation schedule. See building Athletic Director for building uniform rotation schedule.
- Obtain approved expenditure amount from ASB budget committee.
- Design of team uniforms must comply with all NFHS standards for individual sports, school, district, and state guidelines.
- Submit purchase order requisition, quote, and uniform design to ASB Bookkeeper for entry. Note – Building ASB Bookkeeper will also need:
- Sizes
- Logos
- Numbers/Count
- Count inventory upon arrival.
- Submit invoice to ASB Bookkeeper.
- Old uniforms cannot be given away.
- Submit plan to ASB for old uniforms.
- Sub-varsity team:
- Surplus
- ASB Sale
- Resale items are considered personal property of the team members.
- All resale items must be approved by the building administrator prior to any collection of money and ordering of items.
- All resale items should be paid for in advance from players.
- Collecting money:
- Coach collects orders from players and records on log
- Coach will submit log to ASB Bookkeeper
- ASB Bookkeeper will collect funds from players
- Coach will never deposit any money into a bank account
- Coach submits purchase order requisition with quote from vendor; including:
- Description of item
- Logos
- Wording
- Coach distributes items to players and submits invoice to ASB Bookkeeper.
- Never:
- Order items without approval (ASB and building Administrator)
- Order items directly from vendor without approved purchase order
- Give items to players prior to payment collection
- Complete an Issaquah School District Fundraising Activity Form – Section A, recommended two (2) weeks prior to the fundraiser and submit to ASB Bookkeeper.
- Approval by Athletic Director, ASB Coordinator, ASB Bookkeeper, student, and Administrator.
- Fundraiser meets District regulations and procedures (Regulation No.: 3520/3530/3540 & Procedures).
- Meeting minutes showing student approval filed permanently in the activities office (grades 6 & over)
- Selection of the Vendor considers bid law when applicable and fundraiser time line established.
- Discuss with your ASB Bookkeeper required District money handling procedures and review “Cash Handling”
- Complete a requisition for ASB purchase order (PO) before ordering any inventory and obtain required student signature/approval.
- Submit a purchase order request to your ASB Bookkeeper for processing.
- Purchase order issued
- Vendor Contracts signed by Business Office and school. Never sign a vendor agreement and/or contract.
- Send out Parent Permission and Liability paperwork, when applicable.
- Inventory checkout log must be used when applicable.
- Initial inventory received, counted, and secured.
- Final inventory reconciled- secure and return unsold merchandise.
- All monies must come to the ASB bookkeeper on a daily basis and under no circumstances should ASB money be left in a classroom or taken home for safekeeping, by either students or staff.
- Final reconciliation of the funds raised and signed by: student, coach, athletic director/coordinator, ASB Bookkeeper, and Administrator.
The following steps explain acceptable forms of cash handling and depositing of district funds:
- Segregation of duties, limited access, and daily reconciliation are important in handling cash.
- No one person should be permitted to handle a transaction from beginning to end:
- One staff member should taken in money
- A second staff member should verify the money taken in
- ALL money transactions (cash, checks, money orders & cashier’s checks) should be recorded on either a collection log or receipt book when received.
- Under no circumstances should money be left in classrooms overnight and/or taken home for safekeeping, either by students or staff.
- Money must never be deposited into a personal bank account.
- By law, deposits must be INTACT, which means you may not substitute a check for cash or vice versa or take money from the deposit to purchase items for the fundraiser (WAC 392-138-115).
- Cash received MUST NOT be used for purchases, check cashing, loans, advances, reimbursements or for any other purpose and must not be co-mingled with other money.
- Checks written to the school district should be for the amount of purchase only. Post-dated checks are not to be accepted. Checks are not to be held.
- Reconcile cash vs. check composition of the deposit between receipts and money on hand.
- All money must be turned in to the ASB Bookkeeper daily to either be deposited or secured in a locked file cabinet, drawer, safe or vault. Only a few authorized staff should have access to the locked area (RCW 43.09.240).
- The staff member could be responsible for any missing deposits or deposit shortages.
- All cash reconciliation forms must have two signatures before turning into the bookkeeper for verification. The bookkeeper and a 2nd person must sign and verify the daily bank deposit.
- Discrepancies found at any step in the process should be reported, verbally and in writing, to the ASB Bookkeeper, Administrator, and when applicable to the District Accounting Office immediately for investigation and resolution.
- When in doubt, contact your ASB Bookkeeper with your questions.
- Keep all records and documentation in one place for the District Accounting Office or Washington State Auditor’s review.
Field Trips, Excursions, and Outdoor Education – Issaquah School District Procedure 2320P
General Criteria
The following criteria shall be met in order for planning approval and final administrative approval to be granted for a proposed trip.
The proposed trip is directly related to and a logical extension of the subject material being taught by the teacher and being studied by the students eligible to participate, or is a direct outgrowth of an approved ASB or extracurricular activity.
The proposed trip will contribute to the accomplishment of course objectives and will increase students' appreciation, knowledge of, or skills in the subject matter, or the field trip is consistent with the purposes of an approved ASB or extra-curricular activity.
The proposed trip is appropriate for the age and maturity levels of the students eligible to participate. Travelers will include students, staff and chaperones only (no extra family members such as spouses or siblings).
The proposed trip will not unduly endanger students or create potential legal liabilities against which the District is not adequately protected.
Approved trips cannot affect students' grades and cannot be essential to the accomplishment of course goals.
The proposed trip is organized so that all students enrolled in the appropriate class (es) or ASB or extracurricular activity may participate if they and their parents so desire and if all conditions for participation are met.
A list of eligible students by grade level shall be provided at the time a request is submitted for approval.
Chaperones must be selected and prepared for their responsibilities as needed. For overnight field trips such preparation must include a chaperone meeting during which chaperone expectations and responsibilities are outlined. The number and gender of adult chaperones required will be related to the nature of the trip, age, gender and number of students, length of trip, transportation arrangements, housing arrangements (if any), and hazards involved. The appropriate number and names of chaperones will be determined by the Principal and be subject to review by the appropriate director. At no time will the ratio of chaperones to students be less than 1 to 10 (1:10).
All non-staff volunteers who participate in any field trip must be screened and approved in accordance with Regulation 5630 and 5630P, which includes completion of the Volunteer Hold Harmless Agreement, Form 5630F1, the Volunteer Checklist, Form 5630F2(A) and Form 5630F2 (B), and the Washington State Patrol criminal background check form.
No fundraising, collection of fee, promotion, collecting or making deposits, or securing of permissions is to be done prior to properly securing approval for the trip.
The proposed trip is financed and organized so that no district employee shall personally profit from the trip or from the exercise of their influence with students and/or parents whether or not the trip occurs during the instructional day or year. Personal profit shall be defined to include the provision of direct or indirect financial gain beyond transportation costs, per diem, or other expenses of the employee by students and/or their parents.
Issaquah School District Regulations & Procedures
Gifts and Memorials – Regulation No. 6114
Field Trips, Excursions, and Outdoor Education – Regulation No. 2320
Nutrition and Wellness – Regulation No. 6700
Purchasing – Bids and Contracts – Regulation No. 6220
Student Awards and Incentives – Regulation No. 6116
Student Fund Raising Activities – Regulation No. 3530/3530P
Student Fund Raising for Charitable Purposes – Regulation No. 3540/3540P
- Write, implement and/or execute all elements of the club constitution.
- Provide supervision of students immediately before, during, and after all school sponsored activities.
- Fundraiser forms will be completed for all fundraisers with approvals and reconciliations.
- Review proper procedures and checklist for fundraising, including use of required forms and timely submission to the ASB Bookkeeper.
- Plan events that minimize conflicts with other district and building events.
- Develop an annual budget plan including anticipated revenue and expenditures.
- Field Trips, Excursions, and Outdoor Education must follow the Issaquah School District –
- Field Trips, Excursions, and Outdoor Education Regulation #2320 and 2320P.
- Inventory records be accurate and the property kept in a secure location at all times.
- ASB purchases have timely approvals by staff and students on the appropriate form.
- Follow proper procedures for cash handling and purchasing.
- All cash reconciliation forms have two signatures before turning into the bookkeeper.
- Refer to Team Resale and Uniforms section when applicable.
All ASB funds collected must turned in immediately to the Bookkeeper for deposit to meet the 24 hour deposit rule as required in RCW 43.09.240. Money collected will never be taken home, stored in a classroom and/or deposited into a non-Issaquah School District bank account.