Activities Handbook
Activities Coordinator: Tim Baynes 425-837-6110
ASB Bookkeeper: Margaret Pfeifle 425-837-6014
- General Student Group Guidelines
- IHS Advisor Responsibilities
- Establishing a New Interest Group at IHS
- Establishing a New Club at IHS
- Club Requirements
- General Meeting Operation
- Community Service Opportunities
- ASB Finance
- Purchasing and Expenditures
- Materials Reimbursement
- Fundraising
- Reserving and Using of School Facilities
- Field Trips
- Volunteers
- Publicity
General Student Group Guidelines
Issaquah High School offers a variety of student interest groups, clubs, and programs. If a student or group of students wants to start a student group, they may do so pending district and school approval provided that they follow the proper guidelines for establishing and maintaining a student-run club.
- An advisor (staff member/teacher is required)
- Must have one designated student representative in charge
- Must be approved by ASB Executive Board and Activities Coordinator
- Minimum of 5 students participating regularly
- Must take regular attendance and submit attendance records to the Google Drive
- No fundraising, purchases, or any financials
- No meeting minutes are required
- Meet a minimum of once a month
- Everyone in the interest group must be a current student at IHS
- An advisor (staff member/teacher is required)
- Must be approved by ASB Executive Board, Activities Coordinator, and Student Senate (meets once a month)
- Must have a governing board (President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer) and elections each year
- A current constitution must be approved and on file with ASB and the Activities Coordinator by October 15th or within 1 month of Senate approval (submit to Google Drive)
- Minimum of 10 students participating regularly
- Have a minimum of bi-monthly meetings
- Makes purchases, fundraises, or receives donations
- Must record and submit minutes for any meetings that financial decisions are made (submit to Google Drive)
- Attendance and meeting minutes must be uploaded within 72 hours of a meeting
- Everyone in the club must be a current student at IHS and purchase an ASB card
IHS Advisor Responsibilities
- Follow ASB, Issaquah High, Issaquah School District, and state policies and procedures applicable to your group
- Understand the legality and requirements of activity supervision
- Monitor all paperwork and accounting procedures including: attendance, meeting minutes, financial records, purchase orders, fundraising reports, inventories, and budgeting
- Ensure that required paperwork/records are recorded and submitted (Interest Group Advisor: meeting attendance submitted to Activities Coordinator once a year; Club Advisor: club constitution, attendance and financial minutes are uploaded to club folder
- Keep a log of hours spent outside of WAC time supervising/coordinating club activities.
- Schedule all events well in advance with the Activities Coordinator and appropriate personnel
- Ensure all students attending club meetings hold a current ASB card and are currently 9th-12th grade students enrolled at Issaquah High School
- Establish and maintain a budget for any club and follow the ASB fundraising process carefully
- Supervise and chaperone all activities of the group directly and ensure that adequate adult supervision is present at all times for large group events
- Arrange and coordinate the election of student representatives and officers, officer and membership training, planning, and organization of activities for the upcoming year (during the spring of the previous year if possible)
- Hold regular meetings with officers and general membership of the group. In general, weekly or bi-weekly meetings are recommended.
- Submits rosters to the athletic/activity secretary and Activities Coordinator upon request to be used for ASB membership and grade checks before first performance or competition.
- Work and communicate with the Activities Coordinator, fellow advisors, and building administration
- Attend all advisor meetings
- Complete “Clubs Year-End Closeout Form” for the school year at the end of the school year (students can do this!). Summary should include:
- Club/Interest Group Name
- Advisor
- Students in leadership positions within the club
- List of activities the group participated in OR a summary of what the group accomplished during the year
- Is the group going to continue next year?
- If yes, name the advisor and students who will hold leadership positions in the club the following year
- Attend appropriate advisor training workshops
- Complete First Aid/CPR training
- Self-evaluate at the end of each school year
Establishing a New Interest Group at IHS
Any group of students that would like to start an Interest Group at Issaquah High may do so by completing the following procedure.
Forms you need to establish a new interest group can be found on the IHS Activities website.
Information needed to establish an interest group include:
- Title of interest group
- Purpose of interest group
- Signature of 5 students who plan to participate in the interest group
- Name and email address of student representative
- Staff advisor(s) of the group/signature of the advisor
- Meeting times and locations
Please turn interest group applications into the Activities Coordinator. All interest groups must be approved by the Activities Coordinator and ASB Executive Board.
Establishing a New Club at IHS
Any group of students that would like to start a club at Issaquah High may do so by following the following procedures.
Forms you need to establish a new club can be found on the IHS Activities website.
Information needed to establish a club include:
- Title of your club
- Purpose of that club
- Signatures of 10 students who plan to participate in a club
- Student leadership of that club
- Staff advisor(s) of the club/ Signature of advisor
- Meeting times and location
Please turn club applications to the Activities Coordinator. The process for approving a club is as follows:
- “Forming an IHS Club” Application completed and submitted to Activities Coordinator
- ASB Executive Board approval
- ASB Senate approval (the Senate meets either once quarterly or once per month)
Once approved by the Senate, your club has 30 days to submit a constitution to the Activities Coordinator, through upload to the google folder. The Constitution must include:
- Club name
- Objectives/Purpose
- Meeting frequency and procedures
- Membership option
- Officers and election process
- Decision-Making/Voting Procedure
- Method of amendment
Once the club has been approved through ASB Senate and this information has been communicated to the club advisor, the club MUST create a constitution within 30 days.
Club Requirements
- A club must have a constitution on file with ASB through the club’s folder on the google drive.
- The constitution must list:
- Club name
- Objectives/Purpose
- Meeting frequency and procedures
- Membership option
- Officers and election process
- Decision-Making/Voting Procedure
- Guidelines for lettering
- Method of amendment
- An updated constitution is required every year; the advisor should check with the Activities Coordinator at the beginning of each year to ensure ASB has a copy of the club’s current constitution on file.
- The constitution must list:
- A club must have regularly scheduled meetings.
- Meetings may be weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. This process will develop responsibility and leadership upon officers and club members. Attendance and financial minutes are required and should be recorded and uploaded to the club’s folder on the server. An agenda and general meeting minutes are recommended.
- A club should have officer elections at least once a year.
- Each club is required to have a president, vice president, and treasurer.
- Elections are typically held in late spring (but can be held at any time in the school year) through a formal process as outlined in each club’s constitution.
- Officers should be willing and able to put in the time and effort necessary to run the organization.
- If an officer must resign, a form resignation should be presented to the organization.
- If an officer must be removed from office due to an inability to perform their duties, a 2/3 vote to remove the officer should be taken at a group meeting and recorded in minutes.
- In both cases, a new election should be held as soon as possible.
- All officers and club members must purchase an ASB card. It is from this money that ASB can support activities, including Athletics, on Issaquah’s campus. Advisors should notify the Activities Coordinator once officers are elected.
- All club/activity/organization presidents report to the ASB Student Activities Coordinator, who serves as their primary link with ASB Executive Board.
- Any club that involves physical activity or the use of gardening tools must have a signed “Informed Consent Form” on file for each student participant.
- All clubs should have established goals for each year.
- Goals should be included in the club’s google drive folder and club binder and advisors should assist the club in meeting its goals through regular evaluation throughout the year.
- A club should have a printed budget for the year.
- The budget should be developed by the club officers within the guidance of an advisor
- The budget should include:
- Planned activities and estimated/actual expenditures
- Income fundraisers and estimated/actual revenues
- Allocation of any granted ASB funds
- A bottom line at the year’s end in the black
- This budget should be filed by the president or other elected officers with the ASB Bookkeeper. It is recommended that the club keep a copy of their budget in their club binder.
- The budget should be updated at the year’s end (correlating budget and actual spending) included in the club’s final year-end report to ASB.
- Advisors and officers need to keep a running book of expenditures and check monthly with the ASB Bookkeeper for accuracy.
- • A club should have accurate records of meetings
- All clubs are required to submit minutes for meetings where financial decisions are discussed. These minutes should be uploaded to the club folder on google drive and a copy should be kept in the club binder. These records need to be produced upon request by the auditors, Activities Coordinator, ASB Bookkeeper, administrators, etc. and are mandated by state law for organizations operating under the ASB umbrella.
- • The following items must be uploaded to the club’s google drive folder:
- Meeting Attendance
- Constitution
- Meeting Minutes
- • The following items must be on record with the club advisor
- Officer list/organizational structure
- Budget
- Membership roster (which will be submitted once a year to ASB)
General Meeting Operation
All clubs are expected to upload a copy all mandatory files within 72 hours of a club meeting.
The following documents must be uploaded to the club’s folder on google drive:
- Attendance Records
- A dated record of attendance at meetings is a mandatory part of all student groups records. Attendance should be taken at the beginning of every meeting. Interest group advisors must submit their attendance records at the end of the year and upon request. Clubs must upload attendance to their club folder on the google drive.
- Meeting Minutes
- Meeting minutes must be submitted for any meeting where the expenditure or fundraising of funds is discussed. The club minutes must include who made the motion and who seconded it. This record provides legal documentation for spending money and all expenditures must be legitimized by a vote of the executive officers of the organization.
It is also recommended that clubs also do the following:
- Notification
- Notice of the meeting should be made several days before, whether through the clubs’ board, the weekly bulletin, via notices sent to members, or both.
- Agenda
- The agenda should be prepared ahead of time by the officers with the club advisors assistance. Leave space between items as a place to take notes.
- Detailed Meeting Minutes
- Reviews activities and items discussed
- All topics and decisions are recorded
Community Service Opportunities
Issaquah High School and the Issaquah School District recognize that volunteering connects students to their communities and provides an opportunity for students to practice and apply their academic and social skills in preparation for entering the workforce.
Clubs/interest groups can inform their members of a community service opportunity.
However, if clubs are merely informing students of an opportunity, it is important to understand and state to parents and families the following:
“The Issaquah School District does not endorse or sponsor this event. This is not a required club event and staff will not be supervising the event. This information is listed as a resource for your convenience.”
Making sure to include this statement avoids confusion between parents and students as to what is an IHS sponsored event, which requires chaperones and supervision, versus one that IHS is merely informing students of.
ASB Finance
The use of ASB funds is regulated by Washington State law. Since ASB funds include money generated BY students FOR student use the state auditors maintain a watchful eye over all procedures. Be sure to follow the steps below when purchasing items for your club.
Golden Rules of Finance for ASB Advisors
- Public money, generated by the students or in the name of students, may be used for Cultural, Athletic, Recreational or Social (CARS) purposes, which are optional and non-credit related.
- All fundraising activities must be requested and approved through your ASB 2 weeks PRIOR to starting your fundraiser. Fundraising forms are available on the NSD website or from your ASB Bookkeeper.
- Keep records of all student registrations, amounts paid and attendance at ASB-sponsored camps. Turn monies in daily to the ASB Bookkeeper. When camp is completed, supply all documentation to the ASB Bookkeeper for auditing purposes.
- Verify that Booster Club fundraising is not an ASB activity. Money raised during the school day, on school property and/or using school personnel, using students and/or using school materials is ASB/public money.
- ASB funds are restricted public funds and cannot be used for curricular purposes or given away for private use. Students and staff must collaborate on the generation and use of public money
- Request and have approval for ASB funds PRIOR to making purchases. Plan ahead. Do not purchase anything with your own money without prior approval.
- Do not use cash from a sale or a fundraiser to buy any additional items. Per state law all money MUST be deposited INTACT, which means cash and checks are deposited as they are received.
- Work with your ASB Bookkeeper and use a purchase order to purchase items for the team/club. Do not have items sent to a private residence—always use the school address or the Warehouse.
- Secure any inventory that is associated with your program—account for it.
- Do not take ASB money home for safekeeping or deposit it in a personal checking/savings account. Make arrangement with your ASB Bookkeeper.
- Do not sign contracts with vendors—including rental agreements, lease agreements or reserving park space. Administration must sign all contracts.
- If in doubt, ask questions. Don’t assume! Call your Athletic Director, Activities Coordinator, ASB Bookkeeper or the district Business Office.
Purchasing and Expenditures
Complete the following steps when using ASB funds to make a purchase.
- Identify the possible purchases you will be making.
- Verify that the store you have chosen will take purchase orders.
- Obtain a Purchase Order Request form from the Bookkeeper. A Purchase Order Request and the approved purchase order must be completed and approved before you order any item. This includes items for reimbursement. An individual student or staff member is NOT authorized to commit Issaquah School District ASB money. Only advisors and approved staff may be reimbursed per District policy; no students or parents can get reimbursed.
- Complete the Purchase Order Request form in its entirety. Be sure to include all necessary paperwork is included when you submit the PO (contracts, W-9s, PSAs, quotes, invoices, registrations, etc.). In the space provided for the purpose of the items please identify the specific activity you need the items for and the date of the activity.
- Obtain the club advisor’s signature for approval
- Submit the completed Purchase Order Request form to the ASB Bookkeeper at least 14 days prior to the date the purchase will be made
- If the Purchase Order is hand carry, the bookkeeper will notify the advisor that the PO is ready for use. Only advisors may hand carry purchase orders.
- Bring back the blue copy of the PO and ORIGINAL itemized receipts (not just a credit card receipt) or paperwork to the ASB Bookkeeper as soon as possible. The original receipt must include the advisor’s signature. ASB cannot pay charges unless the Bookkeeper receives these items!
- Remember that items purchased on a school purchase order become the school’s property. Items of a personal nature cannot be purchased with ASB money.
Materials Reimbursement
- Only Issaquah School District employees can be reimbursed for items purchased for club use
- ASB must give prior approval for a purchase
- By signing the materials reimbursement form, ASB is verifying that the employee had prior approval.
- Single purchases may not exceed $350
- All purchases made through the same vendor on the same day will be considered a single purchase. Additionally, payments for a single item cannot be separated to avoid the reimbursement limit.
- Equipment, Furniture, Contractual Services and Travel are not eligible for reimbursement.
- Original receipts must be submitted with the Materials Reimbursement Form
- Receipts must include:
- Original itemized document from vendor showing zero balance
- Signature and Date
- Only charges to be reimbursed by the District
- Note: A credit card slip is not a receipt
- Receipts must include:
- Requests must be turned in within 10 working days of the purchase
- Purchases must comply with ISD policy
- No cash/cash equivalents (i.e. gift cards)
- Food must comply with nutrition policy
- No flowers or gifts can be reimbursed
- Purchases cannot violate contractual or legal obligations of the district
Fundraising Approval Process
All fundraisers must have prior approval through the ASB Bookkeeper, Activities Coordinator, and administration. Groups should complete a Fundraiser Request Form (available in ASB Bookkeeper’s office) and submit it to the ASB bookkeeper at least two weeks prior to the start of fundraising. Advisors should note that it takes from two to six weeks to receive goods to sell and plan accordingly.
In effort to raise money, many organizations will sponsor fundraising activities. The steps for conducting fundraisers are listed below:
- Complete a Fundraiser Request form and submit to the ASB Bookkeeper.
- Your approved Fundraiser Request form will be returned to the advisor, and you may begin the fundraising event/activity.
- Upon approval, order all needed materials with a purchase order (see “Purchases and Expenditures” section above).
- If needed, request a cash box from the ASB Bookkeeper. Be sure to identify the date you intend to start the fundraiser, so you may pick up the cash box at that time.
- Be sure anyone who is handling money is trained by the bookkeeper. Monitor the cash and sale of goods, follow the directions, and complete the Turn in ALL money to the ASB Bookkeeper for deposit. Do NOT keep any money for making purchases or paying expenses. It is illegal to retain any money from your fundraiser in any way; all money must be turned in to the bookkeeper that day.
Cash Box Requests
Please send the ASB Bookkeeper an e-mail 3 days in advance if you will need a cashbox for any reason. A cash box must be obtained whenever funds are being generated for an ASB-approved activity, even if it is approved to occur off campus.
Procedures for obtaining a cash box are as follows:
- Submit a Fundraising Request form to the ASB Bookkeeper.
- Inform the ASB Bookkeeper that you will need a cash box 3 days prior to your event.
- Arrange for pick-up and drop-off of the cash box with the bookkeeper.
- Remember, after use of the cash box, two people must count and band all money. Complete the summary form in the box and sign the bottom.
- Return cashbox to bookkeeper.
Tips for Handling Money
- ALL money collected at an event MUST be turned in to the Bookkeeper with all required paperwork immediately following the event (there is a safe drop box located outside of the bookkeeper’s office). Expenses for the event cannot be paid out of cash receipts.
- No money can be “salted away” by the advisor to be used as a “petty cash” slush fund.
- Club funds earned by fundraising cannot be used to purchase goods for private use, such as clothing or food. Club members must pay for or provide their own items.
- Any donations (monetary or material) made to a club become property of Issaquah High School.
- Monetary donations must be donated to a club’s account through the bookkeeper.
- Material donations must be kept on record and remain in the club’s possession.
Sponsorships and Advertising
- Profit Distribution greater than $500 (per vendor, per year) will be determined by the Business Office. Profit distribution less than $500 will remain at the school level according to the principal’s discretion.
- Any advertising/sponsorship agreement with an outside group must be recorded through a written contract using ISD Form 4321 F.
- The sponsorship product, service, and advertisement must be consistent with district, state, WIAA, and federal regulations.
- Displaying ads on students and staff is prohibited. ISD limits advertising to facilities, scoreboard, printed extra-curricular material, and airtime during extra-curricular activities.
- Advertisements must be temporary in nature.
- The following types of advertisements/sponsorships are not allowed:
- Advertisement(s) for cigarettes, liquor, illicit drugs, or drug paraphernalia
- Advertisement(s) promoting or disparaging any religion or religious belief.
- Advertisement(s) promoting or disparaging any political candidate or cause.
- Advertisement(s) that may cause a material and substantial disruption of school activities. (Disruption is defined as student rioting, unlawful seizures of property, or substantial student participation in a school boycott, sit-in, walk-out, or other related form of activity.)
- Advertisement(s) containing obscene content. Obscene expressions are those that, applying contemporary community standards, appeal to prurient interests; depict or describe in a patently offensive way sexual conduct specifically defined by applicable state law; and taken as a whole, lack serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.
- Advertisement(s) with content that is reasonably determined to be false, misleading, inaccurate, and/or potentially libelous. The expression will be considered libelous when it includes defamatory falsehoods about an individual or organization.
- Advertisement(s) that are inappropriate for the age and/or maturity of students in the foreseeable audience
Reserving and Using of School Facilities
The use of any interior or exterior school facility at any time during the day or evening must be arranged with the Athletic and Activities Secretary who coordinates building use through the master calendar. This is to ensure that there are not scheduling conflicts and that adequate time is allowed to clean and maintain the facility.
Obtain an Activity Request Form from Ms. Couty, the Athletic and Activities Secretary. Please completely fill out the form at least 2 weeks in advance. A layout design is important as well if you wish the custodians to set up an area, such as the Commons. This can be in the form of a map or floor plan. A technical description is helpful if either theater is requested. If a large crowd is present or perishable food items are served, a custodian will be required and will be paid from your organization’s ASB account.
General Information
- Schedule any events and facilities with the advisor and Athletic and Activities as far ahead of as possible. Remember, Facility Request Forms must be turned in at least two weeks prior to use.
- Be sure to arrange for use of equipment ahead of time. Some equipment requires supervision.
- Make sure equipment and supplies are in good working order and available when you want them.
- Be sure all necessary personnel are contacted, and responsibilities communicated (specifically administrators and custodians).
- Remember that everything must be returned back to its original state when finished; any school facility must be put back to its original condition, ready to go for the next school day. It is your responsibility to arrange for appropriate setup and cleanup of the facility.
- If any equipment is broken while in your custody, please notify the Activities Coordinator so they can initiate repairs and prepare for future use.
- All volunteers and chaperones (including parents) for any activities and clubs must complete a background check.
- The advisor must be present at all times whenever students are involved in the use of school facilities. Students are expected to be on hand to help setup for an event.
- Students are expected to return school equipment or furniture to its usual location at the conclusion of the activity. The sponsoring organization is also expected to conduct general cleanup.
School groups that sponsor an activity/event or hold a meeting outside the advisor’s classroom should remember to clean up the area when finished. Large events (substantial crowds or ones at which food is served) will require custodial assistance on a paid basis if the custodial workday must be extended to accommodate your request. Be sure to note your needs in the Facility Request Form. Banquet type functions will need to be in the commons.
Please do not use duct tape on any part of the Issaquah Campus. Blue painters’ tape may be purchased at large home improvement stores or drama supply stores.
Supervising and Advising Students (For Advisors)
A safe and secure environment is essential for all school functions. All students need guidance and need to feel safe as they participate in co-curricular activities. Furthermore, there are school district policies, as well as laws governing the supervision of students. An advisor should be aware of these rules, both for the safety of the student, and for their own protection.
Students are not to be left unsupervised at any school activity or function. Supervision should be direct—you or your proper school designee must be always with students. If the advisor is unable to attend, they must arrange for alternate supervision- this must be an ISD staff member (not a parent). If any funds are being exchanged, an ISD staff member must be present at the event. You should not place yourself in the situation of being alone with a student in an isolated setting, for the protection of both parties. Communicate with and enlist the help of parents for assistance with supervision, but never without a staff person present also.
Inform students of appropriate group behavior and conduct, meeting procedural skills (like parliamentary procedure and the taking of minutes). Make sure to be visible and available for all activities, meetings, and projects for your club.
Field Trips
Please be sure to follow the guidelines carefully to avoid having to cancel a field trip at the last minute.
Field Trip Reminders and Checklist
Routine Field Trip
School sponsored, school chaperoned, conducted in one day in the greater Seattle area.
_____ Application for Field Trip- submit to Amy Eberhardt at least 10 days prior to field trip (found in IHS Staff Handbook/Microsoft 365) Failure to submit 10 days prior may request in field trip being denied.
_____ Parent/Guardian Permission - signed forms secured from all participants at least 3 school days prior to field trip- be sure Emergency Medical Information is complete. Make copies of forms and keep the originals (you MUST have the original copy if the student needs medical assistance). Please submit copies to Amy Eberhardt.
_____ Request for Student Transportation – submit at least 30 school days prior to field trip if district-owned or charter bus transportation is to be used. Be sure to explain how the cost of transportation will be covered.
____ Notify Lisa Hollingsworth and Jenny Sauer with an alphabetized list of all students participating in the field trip 2 days prior to the field trip.
Extended/Overnight Field Trip
Distance greater than 150 miles from school/students away from home overnight.
_____ Extended & Overnight Field Trip Application – submit to Amy Eberhardt at least 45 days prior to field trip for School Board Approval. Be sure to include proposed itinerary, fundraising plans, and plans for adequate supervision.
_____ Parent/Guardian Permission–signed forms secured by all participants at least 5 days prior to departure. Make sure the Emergency Medical Information is complete. Make copies of forms and keep the originals (you MUST have the original copy if the student needs medical assistance). Please submit copies to Amy Eberhardt.
_____ Request for Student Transportation- submit to Laura Couty at least 30 days prior to the field trip if district-owned or charter bus transportation is used. No student drivers are permitted. Be sure to explain how the cost of transportation will be covered.
_____ Hold at least 1 information meeting for students, parents, and faculty regarding the trip.
All non-staff volunteers who participate in any field trip much be screened and approved once a year- this includes completion of the Volunteer Checklist/Agreement and WSP Background Check.
A ratio of chaperones to students must not be less than 1 adult to 10 students for routine day trips and overnight or extended field trips.
If money will be spent for travel expenses other than district bus transportation (such as airfare, ADA approved hotels, entry/registration fees), request a Purchase Order at least 10 days prior to departure from the ASB Bookkeeper (for building budget expenses). If you have questions about this, contact the bookkeeper.
Using Volunteer Drivers - must be completed at least 10 school days before trip
____Volunteer Driver Screening/Insurance Requirements – complete one for the first field trip of the year and keep on file for the school year for each volunteer driver.
____Volunteer Driver Agreement – complete for each field trip
____Washington State Patrol Background Information Request – two-sided form and Volunteer Checklist/Agreement
____Copy of Driver’s License and Vehicle Insurance
Completed forms should be submitted on time to Amy Eberhardt for administrative approval.
Any volunteer who is not an ISD staff member must complete and clear a background check before working with students.
If a volunteer is going to be working with students while an ISD staff member is present they need to complete a basic background check.
If a volunteer is going to be working with students while an ISD staff member is not present they need to set up an appointment to be finger-printed and complete a background check at the District Office.
There are several ways to publicize your group or event:
- I-Vision or Electronic Reader-boards
- Email I-Vision and be sure to format email correctly.
- Subject Line: Date-Date…Subject
- Body: Announcement as you want it read
- Email the Activities Coordinator and the Principal's Secretary to request information on the reader-board at least two weeks in advance
- Create an advertisement on a PowerPoint slide
- Send to the Activities Coordinator and the Principal's Secretary for approval
- Email I-Vision and be sure to format email correctly.
- Posters
- No poster should be left up for more than 2 weeks and the group responsible for the sign will remove it or be fined.
- Do not use tape on painted wall surfaces, wood surfaces, or windows
- Signs should have trimmed edges and be neat
- Butcher paper and painting supplies are available in the ASB room.
- Check flyers and signs for spelling and appropriateness
- The Activities Coordinator will need to approve the sign and placement
- Once approved the Activities Coordinator will provide a stamp required on all flyers in the school
- All posters and flyers must be taken down 2 weeks after hanging the posters
- Paper Flyers
- Maximum of 20 flyers/posters for each ad
- 10 maximum for large size, 20 total any sign
- Flyers/posters must be between 8 ½ x 11 and 3’ x 3’
- Flyers must be approved by the Activities Coordinator
- Do not use tape on painted wall surfaces, wood surfaces, or windows
- Only use painter’s tape- please do not staple or pin flyers to the wall
- Maximum of 20 flyers/posters for each ad
- Other announcements:
- To make an announcement through weekly bulletin please contact the Activities Coordinator