Student Life
Students who participate in Issaquah High activities and athletics are representatives of our school. As representatives, students are held to high expectations and standards. We expect ALL students to demonstrate excellent sportsmanship and to be positive role models at ALL times.
To be eligible for the co/extra-curricular programs, students must purchase an ASB card, clear their fines, maintain passing grades, earn credit in all classes, and maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA unless otherwise stated by organization constitution, policy or handbook.
Students are expected to be in attendance all classes on the day of a practice or event in order to participate in co/extra-curricular activities that afternoon or evening. This expectation applies to all co/extra-curricular activities and events. Participation may be denied for failure to comply.
Students work closely with their counselors to have a positive transition to high school and ensure that they can successfully meet all graduation requirements. Students also have access to the College and Career Center, where they can receive assistance with applications, meet with visiting college and career representatives, and explore options for after high school.