Semester 2 Schedule Change Process
Second Semester Change Process
As 1st semester draws to a close, many students are looking ahead to their 2nd semester classes and asking about changes. As communicated last spring and again this past fall – course change requests remain limited in scope. Reasons that a course change request will be considered are limited to:
A missing required core class
Level change – AP/Honors to non-AP/Honors
Seniors missing a graduation requirement
Class on schedule that has already been taken
Double booked for a period/missing a class
The course change request form and visuals of criteria and timeline can be found on the counseling website. Any requests must be submitted for review by Thursday January 30th, at 11 a.m. Any changes that meet the criteria and are able to be made (pending availability in requested course/in student schedule) will be updated by 4 p.m. on the 30th.
Counselors are available for student drop ins every day during lunches to answer questions about 2nd semester course change requests.
As a reminder:
Schedule changes, even for appropriate reasons, are only done prior to the start of a semester and within the first 5 days of the semester. If a student wants to drop a class after the first 5 days and before the 20th day of the semester, they will receive a "W" on their transcript for that course. Classes dropped after the 20th day will earn an 'F' on the transcript.
We will be locked out of Skyward from Feb 11-Feb 26 and there will not be ANY opportunity to change classes during the system shut down.
- Counseling