Parking and Drop-Off Reminders
Parents and Guardians-
In order to ensure the safety of our students and to help expedite parking in the main lot, please only utilize the main loop drop off lane for dropping off or picking up students. Please do not drop off or pick up students in the main student parking lot, fire lanes, or in the bus loop.
We have seen an increase in student vehicles parked in the student parking lot without permits or students parking in lots to which they are not assigned. Please remember that parking in student lots without a permit or parking in a lot you are not assigned to will result in a ticket. This includes the “gravel lot” which is reserved for WANIC/running start students with permits. Repeated parking fines for parking in restricted areas will result in a tow contract or the forfeiture of a student’s parking pass.
Please note, the Issaquah Community Center reached out to inform us that they recently posted signage stating that there is a 3-hour limit for parking in their lot. The Issaquah Police Department will be starting to enforce this time limit soon.
Additionally, we are seeing an increase in student vehicles parked in restricted areas. Please review the following reminders:
- Parking in the fire lane will likely result in the vehicle being towed.
- Parking in the handicap spots without a handicap parking permit will likely result in the vehicle being towed.
- Parking in the drop off lane will result in a parking fine that cannot be disputed.
- Parking in the visitor parking spots or reserved parking spots as a student during the school day will result in a fine that cannot be disputed.
- Parking in the staff parking lot will result in a parking fine that cannot be disputed.
Thank you
- Parking