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Transcript Requests

Issaquah School District partners with Parchment for ALL transcript services. 
IMPORTANT: IHS staff do NOT send or upload transcripts to any colleges. 
To place an order use Parchment button below.


Parchment is not automatic - IHS staff must process each request.
Please allow 2 school days (2 weekdays over the summer) for processing of all transcripts.


A one-time account registration is required at to properly set up your student account and have the ability see a self-view of your transcript at no cost. This code is sent to students' personal emails in 9th grade. (Because many students are not ready to set up their account and/or they do not have a personal email on file, many no longer have/did not receive this code.) Please stop in the Counseling Office and ask Ms. Lipsen (Counseling Assistant) to RESEND your activation code. Ensuring your account is properly activated will make everything work smoothly!

** PARENTS:  If you are creating a “parent account” please use your personal email address and NOT the student’s.**